Maritime Economics

Written on June 17, 2024. Written by .

This was a good overall introduction to shipping, but the title was a bit misleading because it is nothing like an economics textbook. It has a lot of explanation of the history of shipping and general concepts, but very little math and very little that is directly relevant to analyzing shipping stocks. Although there is […]

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Hedge Fund Market Wizards

Written on February 7, 2024. Written by .

I wasn’t that into this book, but parts of it did motivate me in my investing work. It was mostly very high-level advice from many experts with various views and it was biased towards a trading mindset, though it did have a few value investors too. It covered topics like risk control, when to stick […]

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Manual of Insight

Written on February 4, 2024. Written by .

A section of this book was recommended in Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha. It was the most the theological Buddhist book I’ve read. It quoted canonical texts and taught me which concepts are part of the canon. Overall it was very slow to read because it seemed quite abstract and repetitive, but I […]

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The Way of the Superior Man

Written on May 21, 2023. Written by .

I didn’t get much out of this book. It focused a lot on sexuality and the role of men, but almost everything seemed like either stating the obvious or somewhat arbitrary opinions. 2/5

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The Way of Men

Written on March 10, 2023. Written by .

This book was about the ways in which modern society is unnatural for men. It discusses how it is more natural for men to form tribes or gangs and how modern society expects everyone to be more docile and feminine than men naturally would be. Although the book makes good points and it can be […]

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The Righteous Mind

Written on September 3, 2021. Written by .

This book talked about the moral foundations that produce different political views. It says that the morality of liberals is based on care/harm and fairness/cheating, whereas the morality of conservatives encompasses those plus authority/subversion, loyalty/betrayal, and sanctity/degradation. Haidt suggests that these are genetic traits that evolved to adapt to our ancestor’s environments. He also seems […]

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The Body Keeps the Score

Written on November 17, 2020. Written by .

Very interesting and informative book about psychological trauma. I think it may be applicable to many people who don’t believe that they’ve been traumatized because trauma is a strong word, but the experience of trauma is probably more like a spectrum in which everyone has some degree of it. It explains some of the science […]

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A People’s History of the United States

Written on October 1, 2020. Written by .

This book tells the history of the United States from the perspective of the common people rather than from the perspective of political leaders and elites. I think it is a useful supplement to the usual historical narrative, though for me it was quite boring and hard to get through. I finished it because I […]

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Seeing Like a State

Written on May 11, 2020. Written by .

This book goes deep into a discussion of how states operate and why their central planning schemes are often very destructive. The first part of the book talks about how states attempt to make their citizens and resources more “legible”, meaning easier to measure and administrate. The second part is about “high modernism”, the naive […]

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Smart and SeXy

Written on April 21, 2020. Written by .

This book is one of the most information dense books I’ve read, it felt like almost every sentence was providing a new fact and there are a ton of citations. Also one of the least politically correct books I’ve read. The first half of the book goes pretty deep into genetics related to sex chromosomes […]

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