The Way of the Superior Man

Written on May 21, 2023. Written by .

I didn’t get much out of this book. It focused a lot on sexuality and the role of men, but almost everything seemed like either stating the obvious or somewhat arbitrary opinions. 2/5

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Radical Acceptance

Written on September 8, 2016. Written by .

This book is about a Buddhist-inspired approach to self-acceptance. I got the feeling that I wasn’t really in the target audience because I couldn’t relate to a lot of the material. I can see how it might be helpful for others, but in the end I don’t think I got much out of it.

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Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

Written on December 27, 2011. Written by .

I think this book is one of the better introductions to Zen. It doesn’t spend much time talking about the mystical aspects of Buddhism, instead focusing on conveying a sense of what Zen means to a Zen practitioner. He doesn’t hype it up, he almost makes it seem boring and de-emphasizes the significance of philosophical […]

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Written on July 9, 2011. Written by .

I guess this is one of the most popular business-related self-help books out there. It was no big surprise to me that it was essentially void of content. That is just par for the course as far as these books go. There were some parts to the book that might induce you to reflect on […]

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How to Meditate: A Guide to Self-Discovery

Written on July 4, 2011. Written by .

This was a fairly helpful book because it clarified the purpose of meditation. The important points were 1. Meditation is beneficial because it trains you to control your focus. 2. It can be hard work, but potentially relaxing, just as physical exercise can be. 3. You should not expect to be very successful at maintaining […]

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Meditation in a New York Minute

Written on July 4, 2011. Written by .

This book is mostly about fitting meditation into a busy work schedule. It recommends using time on your daily commute and time between meetings to take quick one minute breathing sessions. I found very little of value in this book. It basically listed many slight variations on the same simple breathing patterns.

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Written on July 3, 2011. Written by .

This is a guidebook for vagabonds. It is mostly focused on low-budget international travel, with a slight bias towards places with really low living expenses. A big part of it is just about the mentality of vagabonding, preparing to go, convincing yourself to do it, and how to enjoy it. There is some practical advice, […]

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How to Win Friends and Influence People

Written on July 3, 2011. Written by .

It took me a long time to read this book because it never seemed that important to me. I did like it though. It had a very positive and happy message. The advice was extremely basic and perhaps even obvious, but by reading about it you end up thinking more about your own behavior, which […]

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Written on July 3, 2011. Written by .

This is another book by Strauss in which he infiltrates an interesting community, immerses himself in it and tells about the story. Last time it was the seduction community, this time it is the survivalist community. However, his interactions with the survivalist community are much more fragmented, which detracts from the flow of the story. […]

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Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

Written on April 30, 2011. Written by .

Getting Things Done is one of the most highly-regarded books on personal productivity. It explains a very practical approach to organizing your life with a system of lists, folders, and other simple devices. The general idea is to capture all of your responsibilities into a trusted system so that you do not have to stress […]

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