Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion

Written on September 20, 2015. Written by .

What I found interesting about this book is that it seemed to make an honest effort to explain non-dual experience to the reader. Most books that discuss non-duality shroud the concept in mystery so it’s hard to even believe that they are talking about something really important. This was the first book that really convinced […]

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The Pessimism Bubble

Written on July 27, 2015. Written by .

Economist Robert Shiller was recently quoted by Business Insider as saying So there is a bubble element what [sic] we see. But I’m not sure that the current situation is a classic bubble because I’m not certain that most people have extravagant expectations. […] In fact, the current environment may be driven more by fear […]

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Getting Things Done & Subjective Freedom

Written on June 15, 2015. Written by .

I read David Allen’s book “Getting Things Done” several years ago and I’ve been using a simplified version of his system ever since. It feels efficient and I think it’s probably necessary to have a system like it to be highly productive. The book doesn’t discuss the psychological implications of productivity optimization, however. At one […]

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Guns, Germs, and Steel

Written on April 18, 2015. Written by .

This is a truly amazing book about why some societies are more successful than others at developing technology and conquering the world. The author explains how geographical and environmental factors are highly determinant, which implies that genetic and cultural factors are much less significant. The most important factor in the early stages of civilization was access […]

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Clean Code

Written on April 12, 2015. Written by .

This book provides a good overview of best practices for coding. I liked that it took concrete opinionated stances like: 1. “The only way to make the deadline—the only way to go fast—is to keep the code as clean as possible at all times.” (p6) 2. “Indeed, the ratio of time spent reading vs. writing is […]

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Written on March 8, 2015. Written by .

Although this book wasn’t particularly entertaining, it did have quite a few impressive data-backed observations of human psychology that I’ve never seen before. It had a lot more content than the couple of blog posts I saw from the author, so it was worth the read.

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Deep Value

Written on February 28, 2015. Written by .

The thesis of this book is that the worst quality stocks have the best expected returns, as a portfolio. Even the these low-quality stocks have a much higher probability of going bankrupt individually, they also have a much higher probability of shooting up in price. So it sounds like a classic high volatility situation where […]

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The Last Firewall

Written on January 4, 2015. Written by .

Although I really like the author’s Avogadro Corp and this book had even better reviews, I was overall bored with the book. It is basically a Sci-Fi action book and I personally don’t like action books. The plot revolves around AI and a population that has neural implants to interface with the internet. AI generally […]

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