Test Driven Development: By Example

Written on October 26, 2012. Written by .

Test-driven development is a systematic way of producing robust code. The idea is to write a test before you start writing the code that the test is meant for. This will ensure that almost all of your code has tests and it helps keep you focused on making small increments of progress that you lock in once the test passes. It is also important to re-run all the tests very frequently. This gives you more confidence in your changes and can help you be a little more experimental. While the technique itself is great, the book wasn’t so great because a book isn’t the best format for the type of examples that it provides. It is difficult to keep track of all the code changes because you can only see a small snippet that changed. It would have been much better as a video lecture where you could see all the changes take place and see all the code at all times.

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