The Intelligent Investor


The Intelligent Investor is one of the most popular investing books for good reason. It advocates a time-tested strategy known as value investing. The idea behind value investing is to determine how much a company is worth and buy it only if it is selling at a significant discount. In essence, the book teaches you that there is no such thing as an investment that is good at any price. This may sound obvious, but many investors none-the-less make foolish investments on the basis that a company is going to grow rapidly without considering the price. The book spends a lot of time helping you develop the right perspective on investing, which mostly amounts to convincing you that investing is completely different than gambling. This is not a waste of time to read because it is very important to have the right mindset to be successful. Towards the end, there are many examples where pairs of financial statements are analyzed side-by-side to teach the reader how to actual do value investing. This book is really a must read for everybody, even those who do not plan on investing.