Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid


A masterpiece of mathematical writing, Godel, Escher, Bach is one of the most enjoyable books one can read. The amount of work, planning, and thought that must have went into the creation of this book is unimaginable. There are so many layers of depth to the writings that one could spend a very long time trying to recognize them all. The beautifully intertwined mathematical elucidations and illustrative dialogue create a comforting environment for the reader to ruminate in. The juxtaposition of such contrasting material works quite well, and I found myself looking forward to both types of sections. I highly recommend this book, but it isn't very dense on educational material and becomes somewhat repetitive due to the fact that it all revolves around infinite recursion. One additional issue is that the subject is somewhat trivial in the first place, at least the part of the subject within the book's extent.