The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People


I guess this is one of the most popular business-related self-help books out there. It was no big surprise to me that it was essentially void of content. That is just par for the course as far as these books go. There were some parts to the book that might induce you to reflect on your life. For example, he emphasizes that you always have the choice of how to deal with your problems, which may be a revolutionary concept for people who think that they are victims of the world. He also emphasizes that you should always work to find a win-win solution. I think that most people already understand these basic concepts, so really all Covey is accomplishing is getting people to sit down and think about their priorities and principles for a while. I'm sure many people can benefit from that kind of thought, but none-the-less I would not recommend anyone to read this book.